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The Angelica Institute’s
Magenta and Golden Rule

The Angelica Institute, Inc. (“TAI”) services a diverse population of students, parents, families and schools. TAI also contracts staff with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. In recognition of that multi-faceted diversity, TAI shares a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. 


Further, it is important for TAI to establish and communicate to all contractors, schools and families its beliefs and expectations for all schools and students, especially in these pivotal moments in history that we are currently experiencing. A growing body of research finds that all students benefit when their schools implement strong Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies and practices – including academic, cognitive, civic, social-emotional, and economic benefits. Strong DEI policies, in partnership with parents and families, empower students from all backgrounds to visualize successful futures for themselves and provide them with a sense of belonging and self-worth. These benefits can lead to improved student achievement, which in turn can lead to better outcomes in other areas of their lives, including work and civic engagement. This is true regardless of a school’s geographic location or the demographic composition of its students and faculty. 


We recognize that the decision to adopt a DEI policy, as well as the contents of such a policy, are ultimately matters of individual discretion. However, we at TAI believe strongly that there is a moral and economic imperative to remove the inequities that stand in the way of success for whole segments of our nation’s student population. Accordingly, TAI expects that all school districts and institutions of higher education will develop and implement policies and practices that advance diversity, equity and inclusion – and that they will implement such policies and practices with fidelity and urgency. It shall therefore be the policy of TAI to encourage and support efforts to create within our organization an ecosystem of success that is built upon a foundation of diversity, equity, inclusion, access, opportunity, innovation, confidence, trust, respect, caring, and relationship-building. 


Diversity is about all of us. Inclusion is about all of us. At TAI, we strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment that values the experience, perspective, and contributions of all contractors, schools, students and families. At TAI, respect for diverse backgrounds and ideas is crucial to academic excellence. As a result, TAI seeks to foster an inclusive environment where the individual differences among us are understood, respected and recognized as a source of strength that enriches the organization. In order to further the goals of diversity and inclusion, TAI will engage in a series of diversity initiatives to attract, retain, and develop the best talent for our organization. Attracting, retaining, and developing this talent are all crucial to TAI’s mission: putting children first and striving for excellence in education. In consideration of the diverse population served by TAI, we promote the recruitment and retention of a workforce from different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to complement the backgrounds, experiences and perspectives of TAI students, parents and families at the city district, community district and school level. By fostering the goals of diversity and inclusion, TAI will be better equipped to serve all students, families and parents.


TAI also recognizes the importance of diversity in procurement and partnering with our surrounding communities with a shared mission for student success and equitable outcomes. As a result, TAI engages in outreach initiatives to enhance the abilities of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises to compete and meaningfully participate in the TAI procurement process. TAI also supports families and seeks to foster empowerment and collaboration within our communities.


TAI employees must also not engage in discriminatory behavior and/or harassment on the basis of any of the above-protected classifications towards other individuals who do business with TAI, use TAI facilities or otherwise enact with TAI. It is also the policy of TAI to provide equal educational opportunities, including ensuring that all students are provided access to TAI programs, services, activities, and facilities, without regard to actual or perceived race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity, national origin, alienage, citizenship status, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender or weight, and to maintain an environment free of harassment on any of the above-noted grounds, including sexual harassment or retaliation. TAI is committed to establishing both a workplace and education environment free of discrimination. As such, it is TAI policy to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws pertaining to discrimination and equal employment opportunity. 

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